Women's Interfaith Media LiteracyOur culture, values and society are shaped by the powerful images, words and sounds of today's mass media.� Living and working in this culture we need to develop the understanding and skills to become more media literate.
As more 'media literate' users we can more effectively share our views and concerns with those who produce and regulate� the press, broadcasting and on-line media.
� In particular, women are concerned with three important issues, the: ���������������* portrayal of faith and faith communities in the media,� ���������������* exploitation and stereotyping of women in the media and the� ���������������* premature�sexualisation of, and�marketing to children by the media. Women� want to influence and change the way the media often cover and present these topics.
This website has been established with the support of the Faith Communities Capacity Building Fund. |